Monday, May 15, 2006

I have been kidnapped

Blimey charlie, what happenend there. A quiet pint on Friday night turned into a weekend in Norfolk, a surprise belated birthday, a defeat for the Irons and an unlikely visit to a Gabba-Techno night. Forgive me if I have spelt that incorrectly, but I am not up to speed with this new fangled dance music malarkey...I was shocked to see furry boots being worn by the cream of Norwich's dance culture..all experimenting with various pills and, I just stuck to a few cans (well, lots) and hugged the edges of the room...I believe dancing was attempted at some point, but it was quicly discovered that none of our group could keep up with the bear, let alone maintain any sort of dance moves.

Saturday was FA cup in the unlikely surroundings of an RAF Naafi bar...all good fun...Gutted for John Rance, very happy for John Edge.

Giant fish and chips featured in the hazy dusk period, before being whsked off to the Inn of Newness for a surprise birthday party. Many thanks to Ron and Toby for a musical shindig and to all that attended...I know I left, I just don't know when.

Well done to devious Rancios and my beloved for a gigantic lie.

Roll on Wednesday..come on the Arsenal....

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