Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Big Weekend with Granny & Grandpa!!!

So the weekend went well...aside from R's parents having a minor detour through the wilds of Norfolk on Friday night, and my beloved and I having stinking colds all weekend.

It all went so well for us on the way there aside from R getting me lost trying to get to the Blackwall tunnel, and me eating all my Fox's Fruit sweets- Must consumer sugar when driving!!!!

The two granma's (they'll hate that) took R into Norwich for the day on Saturday to shop till R dropped for Baby paraphenalia...we now have almost everything we could ever need ever for a baby, and a few things we probably didn't need but aftera neatly executed pincer movement by granny 1 and granny 2 we have ended up with things that match...outrageous.

Grandad1 & 2 spent the day admiring tools and things made in fibreglass (me pa's boat is coing along's a work of art and a labour of love that floats..I am proud as a bowl of punch of him)

Meal in the evening with all involved plus me brother and his missus (congrats to she and he too...a cousin for spud!!Hoorah)

Sunday...relaxing..more boat looking, big roast...I fucked up on the Yorkshire egg too many...and thenm from Yorkshire...oh, the shame!!

Quiet pint in evening..sleep and then drive home Monday. Nice.

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